Thursday, March 29, 2012

Working Near a Credit Union

Are Banks Getting Bailed Out Because Bill & Hillary's Best Friend is in Charge of Citigroup? (Robert Rubin was Bill's famous treasury secretary.) The Dems always take care of their rich friends. Right? How rich are Hillary's donors at these banks getting as she gives the bailout her full support?

It's a short term bandaid until they get stabilized again. Ummmmm.Wasnt the bank bailout initiated by the president? Sigh. It's just like the 1998 Hedge Fund crisis, the Y2K scare, 9/11 - sometimes you have to pump a little money in to keep everything on keel. Besides, I'm sure Joe American wouldn't want his credit card loans, car loans, and housing loan suddenly called due so the banks can balance their books.

What are the best banks or credit unions? I'm wanting to do checking, ATMs, online banking and am looking for a bank with friendly service, as few fees as possible, etc. Which bank or credit union is best?

Every bank and credit union offers several accounts with different features and different fees. There is no best bank, best credit union, or best bank account. You need to look at the totality of the bank’s or credit union’s services, accounts, and fees. Some banks and credit unions may have low overdraft fees, but high fees in other areas. Http://www.Bankrate.Com Many banks listed from around the country.

Which bank or credit union is best? What are the best banks or credit union online banking? I'm wanting to do checking, ATMs, online banking and am looking for a bank with friendly service, as few fees as possible, etc.

Next time you drive to school, work, grocery store, etc, write down the banks you see on the way. You really want something that is convenient to you. In case you want to use the ATM, or have a problem with a check or want to deposit coins, etc. Then go home and google them followed by checking account. Credit unions and community banks are local. You did not say what city you are in, so how do we know? Credit unions usually require you live or work in a certain area. 5/3 BANK is also worth looking at.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Online Gaming and Banking

I bought stuff Saturday night and it was instantly deducted. Both were taken by credit. Why does gas I buy take so long to show up on my online banking? I bought gas friday with my debit card, and it still hasn't been deducted.

Electronic debits are deducted from your account differently than in store purchases. If you pay at the pump, Visa has an agreement with gas stations to hold up to $50.00 on your card no matter how much you actually buy. Gas stations may do their deposits once or twice a week, which means the purchases they make may get processed slower.

What is the best online bank that has pays best interest? I heard that online banks pay higher interest for the savings account then banks that are in the neighborhood, what is the best online bank that I could join? Best online banks often are with the credit union bank online

I've used it to identify the best place to buy a CD. Start with www.Bankrate.Com. I've heard that too, but it ain't necessarily so (song lyric). Check local banks, too, savings and loans, and credit unions. Right now, I think I've seen ads on TV for an account where they will put in $100 if you open it. I can think of three off hand emigrant direct. For credit union online banking, visit this site.

What would a 28 years old guy become when he only play online games everyday? (Real Story)? He play online games every day from 2 pm until 3 am in cafe. He had a job in a bank, but he quit his job his own (not fired from boss)

What a life. He'll be mooching off his parents for the rest of his life, sitting in the basement in a wife beater eating Doritos and drinking beer while he plays on the computer all night. His skin was bleached white from the computer light. His muscles and joints grew weak from lack of exercise and his hygiene was suffering horribly. Everyone around him swerved out of his lonely path. The guy's brain also rotted. He became very stupid, he was unable to form a full sentence, but he never had to speak to anyone in person.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 Interviewing Mistakes That Can Lead To Hiring The Wrong Person

Mistake #1: Going with the flow

Inexperienced interviewers sometimes fall into the trap of letting the interview become "free form", spending different amounts of time on different questions, basing follow-up questions on on how the candidates answer. This can result in a candidate taking control of the interview and leading you where he or she wants to go, rather than where you can get the information you need.

Solution: Ask everyone the same questions. Prepare a list in advance, based on the information you need, and use it as a guide throughout the interview. Put each question on a separate sheet of paper and prepare one set for each candidate. As you move through the questions, use the appropriate sheets to make notes of the answers and your own observations and impressions. You can vary the follow up questions as necessary, but keep your notes on the main question page. When you have followed this structure with all the candidates, you'll be able to compare them on an "apples to apples" basis.

Note: If you are looking for a good compact car, the 2012 Toyota Yaris is for you!

Mistake #2: Asking predictable questions

Job applicants have many sources of help for interviewing, and it's easy to learn acceptable answers to the standard questions. That means even the wrong candidate for your position could answer the questions in a way that fools you into thinking he or she is a fit.

Solution: Ask candidates questions that force them to expand on their answers, illustrating their thinking skills as well as their attitudes and job competencies. Such questions might include:

If you could design your own job, what would it look like?
What's your favourite part of the work you do now? Why do you like that?

Ask questions like these and, instead of practised responses that tell you virtually nothing, you'll get insights into who these people really are.

Mistake #3: Whitewashing the job

If you have a candidate in front of you who seems like a great choice, you obviously want that person to accept your job offer. Sometimes, though, you know the job has inherent challenges or downsides, and you may be afraid if you talk about these thing you will lose a good employee. The trouble is, if you hire them and they discover the negatives themselves, you may well lose them in the first week!

Solution: Be candid about challenges in the job or within the company. Watch for candidates who embrace and relish the challenges, and who can see beyond the negatives. These can become your most valued employees.

Mistake #4: Ignoring the question of "fit"

Every organization has a culture. It comes from a blend of the industry you are in, the ages of those who work there, the size of the company, the number of people, the geographic location and many other factors. But that culture creates its own work environment, and if employees are not comfortable with that environment or do not work well within it, they don't "fit". This person will never be an asset to your company, and may in fact leave very quickly.

Solution: Ask questions whose answers will demonstrate the candidate's personality and character, their attitudes towards the workplace. An example of that type of question might be: Do you prefer a structured environment or a more loose, easy-going one? Why?

Mistake #5: Letting a candidate's one major positive blind you to the negatives

Sometimes a person might have one outstanding positive: worked for your major competitor, attended a university with a track record of successful graduates, or even just comes from your home town. If you also instinctively like the individual, it is tempting to be overly influenced by this fact, and not pay enough attention to others that are not so attractive.

Solution: When recording your notes on each candidate (see solution to Mistake #1), be sure to record negatives as well as positives on the appropriate pages. When you review your notes after the interview is over, you will be better able to balance the pros and cons impartially.

Candidates are often sophisticated job seekers, who are well prepared for the interview. To avoid costly hiring mistakes, hiring interviewers must be equally prepared for the process.

If you are looking for a good compact car, the 2012 Toyota Yaris is for you!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Winter Driving Problems Plus Some Solutions

I won't be driving up into the mountains, just in and around the city. What cars are best for Denver winter driving? I am moving from Houston to Denver and want to know what types of cars (not SUVs, trucks, etc) are best from driving there due to the snow and ice.

1. The top 15 vehicles for the snow. You have to buy a AWD/4WD vehicle if you wanna go off-road.You could always buy a cheap 4WD SUV like the Toyota Rush. Subaru Outback 2. Volvo XC90 3. Subaru Tribeca 4. Mercedes-Benz M-Class 5. Volkswagen Touareg 6. Lincoln MKX 7. Subaru Forester XT Limited 8. Toyota Highlander 9. Ford Edge 10. Ford Taurus X 11. Jeep Compass 12.

What is the best winter driving car? I am looking for a car that has a good reputation for being reliable for winter driving conditions.

The source is the article about them. Do you mean car or vehicle? The subaru legacy is a good car. Hope this helps. I have a VW Passat with AWD I think it is basically the same as the Audi AWD system. We've recently had 10 inches here in Washington. I've been getting around no problem with all season tires. I'm sure Subaru would be good to. I like VW's though. Don't forget to get the heated seats.

Check out this website for the latest Sportage model from Kia.

I know this freak snow storm just hit -so I'm wondering how the weather for driving might be next Thursday night. Is winter driving on I-40 dangerous? I'm leaving to go from Barstow to Oklahoma City next Thursday and I need to know how the driving is in the winter.Especially through Flagstaff, AZ (i've heard some horror stories)

Keep an eye on the weather for Thursday as another winter storm is in the forecast. Be prepared for possible delays. The road should be clear except for possible accidents.As this last one where a truck turned over. Take blankets, water, some food (energy bars at least and milk for the baby)

Do you make fun of people driving mopeds in the winter?

LOL Ive never seen anyone drive one in the winter. Yes! I do! motorboat baby?! Mopeds & ugly chicks, both fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you on one. I have seen a few driving their motorcycles when its majorly cold and a foot of snow on the ground! I froze just watching them! It must have been their only form of transportation. Lol crotch rockets. No. Why would I? Around these parts the winter has been brutal. I would think they where cold, but think nothing more about it. Hey.A good thing going for them.Cheap gas!

Shane Refuses. Raven tells his girlfriend Shanette to testify that she gave the car keys to Shane at the begining of the night, and not to Raven. If he did this he would be charged with Gross Misdemenor. Who is right and who is wrong and Why?

He could/would be charged with false informing. If Shane changes his story, it's likely the police won't believe him. In addition, the police don't have to drop the charges against Raven just because Shane cops to the story. They'll charge both and let the courts figure it out. Why would Shane want to do something that could and probably will cause him to spend time in jail and spend lots of money on attorney fees, fines, probation costs, and years of increased insurance fees.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Finding the cheapest auto insurance

Do you know of any CHEAP auto insurance I can get in Virginia? My sister is 19 and looking for some cheap auto insurance anybody know of a company that wont charge her an arm and a leg?

Not only does Virginia have some of the highest auto insurance rates in the USA, but 19 year olds ALSO have some of the highest rates. There's no bargain company out there that gives dirt cheap rates to high risk youthful operators in major metropolitan areas. Nope. No. There is no cheap insurance for anyone who is 19. She needs to be older before she can get cheap insurance.

Where can I find lwoest car insurance for a 17 year old male? Its really starting to get on my nervse that I can not find any cheap insurance anywhere! Why do insurance companies in the UK want to make life so hard for young drivers? Yeah stasticaly the majority of us crash our cars.

It is not a case of insurers making life difficult for young drivers, but the other way round. Insurers are being hammered with claims from young inexperienced drivers, and I can assure you that if they just charged those high prices to make a tidy profit, there would not be so many insurers stopping insuring younger drivers altogether.

How would auto insurance company know if I am unemployed? I noticed someone posted that their auto insurance rates went up since they are unemployed. I don't tell the insurance company that I lost my job. I have been unemployed since February and my rates stayed the same.

Their insurance may have been raised for other reasons. And just because someone stated that in a posting doesn't mean that it's true. They don't know or care. They don't know if you are employed or not. It's not based on employment - it's based on credit score. Likely, that other person also stopped paying bills.

Any ideas? I live Brooklyn, NY. I am looking for cheap nyc auto insurance. I don't want to pay more than 800 to a 1000 every 6 mos. I am 24, female and I badly need cheap auto insurance, Help please.

My idea is for you to call several insurance companies for quotes. Just with living in Brooklyn and not knowing any other information such as your car and driving history, I would doubt you can find insurance that cheap. Urban environments always have higher rates, and NYC is brutal when it comes to cost of insurance. Is there any other way?

Where can I find basic and cheap health insurance? I am a 25 year old part time college student looking for very basic and cheap health insurance. I had prior insurance under my father’s plan but was dropped when I turned 25.

You can buy some very good policies for about $120-to $200 a month or so in your age group, that have some high deductibles, but also provide some solid "first dollar" basic care for free. If you have no health conditions, there is plenty available. COBRA is way too expensive, unless you are have a condition(s) that would keep you out of the regular market.